Edward Thomas Poetry Places
Discovering the places that inspired the poems of Edward Thomas
The poet Edward Thomas was killed in World War 1 at the age of 39. He came to poetry late after a career writing prose books. A lot of his earlier writing was on the countryside and many of the 140 poems he wrote in the last three years of his life follow suit, drawing on his walks, cycle rides and other journeyings through the countryside of England and Wales. So uniquely among British poets, it is possible, through examining his written legacy including his published prose, his letters and field note books as well as walking in his footsteps, to identify the locations that inspired many of his poems. Some are already well known, such as Adlestrop, others may be composite or imaginary or impossible to identify, but many are there to be discovered or more precisely located.
You will find posts/blogs below - the most recent first and new ones will be published regularly. Over time all of ET’s poems will be included where locations can be identified and walks suggested for each
Edward Thomas Poetry Places, Landfall, 69 Tilmore Road, Petersfield, GU32 2HW